Legal, tax, accounting, and business advice
Detailed explanations of everything from US tax forms and employment agreements to selling goods in the US market.

Seven Marketing Mistakes by UK Companies Doing Business in the US
I have had the pleasure of working with scores of UK companies doing business in the US. Here are seven – easily ...

Should you hire US employees through a PEO?
UK companies entering the US market sometimes decide to use a PEO (or “professional employer organization”) to ...

Planning to Hire a US Employee? Consider Creating a US Company.
When hiring US employees, UK companies can choose to hire them directly as employees of their UK company or ...

Should you do business in the US through an LLC?
UK companies and residents often express interest in doing business in the US through a US LLC. Their interest is ...

Contrasting Employment Agreements in the US and the UK
UK companies first entering the US market are often surprised at the relative lack of formality associated with US ...

A Few Key Differences in US and UK Company Law
In both the US and the UK, operating in corporate form offers limited liability for members and shareholders. ...

Should you do business in the US through a subsidiary?
When deciding the best way to enter or expand your presence in the US market, one option is to do business through ...

Basics of State Corporate Taxation in the US
The US has a federal system of government. Unlike the UK’s unitary system, in the US each level of government ...

Understanding US Corporate Income Taxation
The best way for UK clients to gain quick understanding of the US corporate income tax system is to review how the ...

Provisions of the US-UK Tax Treaty of Interest to Companies Doing Business in the US
Both the US and the UK tax their residents on their worldwide income, including income sourced to other countries. ...

Understanding US Sales Taxes
UK clients often assume that US sales taxes operate essentially like VAT. While both are consumption taxes, the ...

Choosing a State of Incorporation
The act of registering a corporation in the US is known as “incorporating” the business. Whereas in the UK ...