Legal, tax, accounting, and business advice
Detailed explanations of everything from US tax forms and employment agreements to selling goods in the US market.

Think twice before establishing a warehouse or 3PL in these US states
In choosing a location for your warehouse or 3PL, there are many non-tax factors to consider. You’ll want to ...

Can that State Really Tax Us? Understanding P.L. 86-272
As UK companies, our clients are accustomed to the somewhat uniform legal structure found in a unitary, ...

New Ownership Reporting Rules to Take Effect
UK clients accustomed to Companies House reporting are often surprised to learn that, in the US, there is no ...

The I-9: Right to Work Checks in the US
As in the UK, employers in the US are required to take steps to verify that their employees are legally entitled ...

You’ve registered a US LLC: Now what?
Some UK companies decide to do business in the US by registering a US limited liability company (or LLC). What US ...

4 Reasons Your UK Company May Need to File a US Tax Return
Does your UK company need to file a tax return in the US? Here are 4 reasons why you might.
1. You have US ...

What are Forms W-9 and W-8BEN-E?
UK companies doing business in the US – either directly or indirectly – may be asked by a client or customer to ...

What do I put on my US invoice?
Our UK clients are accustomed to following specific legal requirements with respect to the invoices they issue to ...

Registered Offices in the US and UK
Many of our clients assume that a US registered office functions just like a registered office in the UK. However, ...

UK Exporter’s Introduction to US Taxes
UK companies selling goods to US customers often assume that no US tax obligations will result from their ...

UK Corporation Tax Rates Are Rising – Implications for US-UK Cross-Border Enterprises
For at least some UK corporations, the UK corporation tax rate will soon increase. From April 2023, UK ...

Bringing Revenue from US Operations Back to the UK
When a UK company does business in the US through a subsidiary, it is common for at least some of the gross ...