Legal, tax, accounting, and business advice
Detailed explanations of everything from US tax forms and employment agreements to selling goods in the US market.

What is a US social security number?
A social security number (or “SSN”) is a nine-digit number issued to US citizens, permanent residents, and ...

Should your US affiliate have the word “America” in its name?
When creating a US subsidiary or other affiliate, UK companies often include a geographic identifier in the name. ...

Contrasting US-UK Business Culture
Despite a 5 to 8-hour time difference, the US is the UK’s largest export market. No doubt this is largely ...

Is sales tax reclaimable in the United States?
Our UK clients often ask if sales tax is reclaimable in the United States. The answer is no. The explanation stems ...

Do I need to use my US company registration number?
Our UK clients are accustomed to legal requirements relating to the use of their UK company registration number ...

7 reasons a UK business should have a US registered trademark
At Bouwen, we often apply for US registered trademarks for our UK clients doing business in the US. Although you ...

3 ways US and UK trade mark application processes differ
3 ways US and UK trade mark application processes differ
In both the US and the UK, trade mark law (spelled ...

6 things UK employment agencies need to know when doing business in the US
Bouwen currently represents over a half dozen UK based employment agencies, each of which is engaged in the ...

Company Directors in the US and the UK
Although companies in both the United States and the United Kingdom have “directors,” the roles in each country ...

Is a UK company required to file Form 1099 in the US?
UK companies often mistakenly believe that, because they are not US companies, they are not subject to US tax ...

What is Form 1099?
Form 1099 (known simply as a “1099”) is a report, filed annually with the IRS and provided to payees, of payments ...

How can a UK company obtain a US EIN?
Many UK companies believe, wrongly, that only a US business entity can obtain a US employer identification number ...