At Bouwen, the vast majority of our clients are UK companies operating in the US through subsidiaries. In this ...

Transfer pricing refers to the way that related companies, such as a parent and its subsidiary, charge each other ...

One of the many significant differences between UK VAT and US sales tax is that US sales tax is intended to be ...

If you are curious about how UK companies use US affiliates to sell to the US market, we created this chart to ...

A social security number (or “SSN”) is a nine-digit number issued to US citizens, permanent residents, and ...

Our UK clients often ask if sales tax is reclaimable in the United States. The answer is no. The explanation stems ...

UK companies often mistakenly believe that, because they are not US companies, they are not subject to US tax ...

Form 1099 (known simply as a “1099”) is a report, filed annually with the IRS and provided to payees, of payments ...

Many UK companies believe, wrongly, that only a US business entity can obtain a US employer identification number ...

In choosing a location for your warehouse or 3PL, there are many non-tax factors to consider. You’ll want to ...

As UK companies, our clients are accustomed to the somewhat uniform legal structure found in a unitary, ...

Some UK companies decide to do business in the US by registering a US limited liability company (or LLC). What US ...