Does your UK company need to file a tax return in the US? Here are 4 reasons why you might.
1. You have US ...
UK companies doing business in the US – either directly or indirectly – may be asked by a client or customer to ...
UK companies selling goods to US customers often assume that no US tax obligations will result from their ...
For at least some UK corporations, the UK corporation tax rate will soon increase. From April 2023, UK ...
When a UK company does business in the US through a subsidiary, it is common for at least some of the gross ...
When hiring US employees, UK companies can choose to hire them directly as employees of their UK company or ...
UK companies and residents often express interest in doing business in the US through a US LLC. Their interest is ...
When deciding the best way to enter or expand your presence in the US market, one option is to do business through ...
The US has a federal system of government. Unlike the UK’s unitary system, in the US each level of government ...
The best way for UK clients to gain quick understanding of the US corporate income tax system is to review how the ...
Both the US and the UK tax their residents on their worldwide income, including income sourced to other countries. ...
UK clients often assume that US sales taxes operate essentially like VAT. While both are consumption taxes, the ...