Author Archives: Jerry Meek

Understanding US Pensions

Our UK clients are accustomed to requirements that they contribute minimum amounts to their employees’ pensions. It therefore often comes as a surprise that in the US there is no legal requirement that employers contribute to an employee retirement plan. The only requirements are those imposed by state governments –

What is transfer pricing?

Transfer pricing refers to the way that related companies, such as a parent and its subsidiary, charge each other for goods, services, or IP provided to each other. Transfer pricing is especially important when the transactions cross international borders. When business entities under common control engage in cross-border transactions, the

How should you respond when your customer demands that you meet certain supply chain standards?

Increasingly, global suppliers are expected by downstream customers to comply with legal and ethical standards designed to ensure that their supply chains protect human rights, labor conditions, environmental sustainability, and other critical factors. How should suppliers respond to such demands? It is useful to consider the issue from four perspectives:

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