Six ways to price services delivered between a UK company its US affiliate

At Bouwen, the vast majority of our clients are UK companies operating in the US through subsidiaries. In this arrangement, it is very common for the UK parent to provide services to the US subsidiary (or its customers), and vice-versa. The IRS has over 200 pages of regulations designed to ensure that these transactions are …

What is transfer pricing?

Transfer pricing refers to the way that related companies, such as a parent and its subsidiary, charge each other for goods, services, or IP provided to each other. Transfer pricing is especially important when the transactions cross international borders. When business entities under common control engage in cross-border transactions, the prices they charge each other …

How should you respond when your customer demands that you meet certain supply chain standards?

Increasingly, global suppliers are expected by downstream customers to comply with legal and ethical standards designed to ensure that their supply chains protect human rights, labor conditions, environmental sustainability, and other critical factors. How should suppliers respond to such demands? It is useful to consider the issue from four perspectives: 1. Legal obligations. Many of …

Are the officers, directors, or shareholders of a US company subject to personal liability?

We are often asked by our clients whether a US limited liability company or corporation will insulate its officers, directors, or shareholders from liability for company obligations. The short answer is that, as in the UK, a US LLC or corporation generally offers such protections. However, there are a few notable exceptions: 1. Piercing of …

Seven things UK companies should consider when designing a website for the US market

When selling to US customers, most of our clients design a US website specifically tailored to the US market. (A minority of our clients have a single global platform which redirects to a US payment page at checkout.) In designing a website for US customers, here are seven things every UK company should consider: 1. …

What variations in business culture exist within the United States?

The United States is a heterogeneous country of diverse cultures, languages, and traditions. It is not surprising, therefore, that there are variations in business culture among regions. Although generalizations can be as misleading as they are informative, here are a few broad stroke insights about these variations. The Northeast. The northeastern US runs from Maryland …

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