Many UK companies believe, wrongly, that only a US business entity can obtain a US employer identification number ...

UK clients accustomed to Companies House reporting are often surprised to learn that, in the US, there is no ...

Some UK companies decide to do business in the US by registering a US limited liability company (or LLC). What US ...

Many of our clients assume that a US registered office functions just like a registered office in the UK. However, ...

When a UK company does business in the US through a subsidiary, it is common for at least some of the gross ...

When hiring US employees, UK companies can choose to hire them directly as employees of their UK company or ...

UK companies and residents often express interest in doing business in the US through a US LLC. Their interest is ...

UK companies first entering the US market are often surprised at the relative lack of formality associated with US ...

In both the US and the UK, operating in corporate form offers limited liability for members and shareholders. ...

When deciding the best way to enter or expand your presence in the US market, one option is to do business through ...

The act of registering a corporation in the US is known as “incorporating” the business. Whereas in the UK ...

In the course of advising and assisting UK companies entering the US market, our clients ask a lot of questions ...